My fellow Americans:

Salute these real recipes from real congresspeople, recreated with love and fear by me.

Do not try these at home.

Representative Eldon Rudd's "Tea Time Strawberries"

Representative Eldon Rudd's "Tea Time Strawberries"

Eldon Rudd is a hell of a name, isn’t it? It brings to mind old Clint Eastwood movies for me, like maybe Clint would roll into town and run into a well-meaning but bumbling oaf in charge of the county jail — Sheriff Eldon Rudd. I was surprised to see not jerky and baked beans, but “Cool Orange Dessert” and “Tea Time Strawberries” were Rudd’s recipes of choice. While “Cool Orange Dessert” may be featured later when I’m in a cottage cheese + Jello mood, these little tea snacks felt like a summer treat that would do me right.

Eldon Rudd

Chef Eldon Rudd

Republican Representative from Arizona

Favorite Food/Homespun Recipe: Homespun Recipe


anti-communism; stealing President Jimmy Carter’s debate prep papers to give to Ronald Reagan


“I am vitally concerned about the thousands of teenagers and young adults who will either lose their jobs or be rendered unemployable in the unskilled labor markets as the result of increasing the minimum wage to $2.50 or more per hour.

As always, I followed the recipe word for word, no alterations:


1 small box strawberry Jello

1/2 can condensed milk

7oz bag coconut

4-6 drops red food coloring

1 box additional Jello


1) Mix together [all ingredients except additional box of strawberry Jello].

Could Eldon Rudd have listed “2 boxes of strawberry Jello?” Absolutely. But you know I enjoy the mystery of congressional recipes.

2) Chill in small covered container for 2 days, then shape into small (1 tsp size) strawberries and roll or shake in small container using another box of strawberry Jello.

Shaping this mixture into strawberries was not easy. Like most people, I do not have strawberry molds, nor anything even really close except a slightly pear-shaped teaspoon, which is what I used along with my hands. I tried my best and they look like….well…

3) Refrigerate. Will keep for 2-3 weeks.

Tea Time Strawberries recipe

Voila! If you want to actually watch me attempt to eat it, go to the Cookin’ with Congress Instagram or TikTok and now, YouTube Shorts. They look like raspberries. Just straight up raspberries. Tea Time Raspberries would have been a much better title, but here we are. I waited two whole days, so how are they?



Wow, unbelievably sweet. Cute idea, not bad looking, but my god….my teeth.

Eldon Rudd recipe
Senator Jeremiah Denton's "Ice Water Cookies"

Senator Jeremiah Denton's "Ice Water Cookies"

Mayor William Souder's "Grape Salad"

Mayor William Souder's "Grape Salad"