My fellow Americans:

Salute these real recipes from real congresspeople, recreated with love and fear by me.

Do not try these at home.

Mayor William Souder's "Grape Salad"

Mayor William Souder's "Grape Salad"

Okay, it’s been a whirlwind over here at Cookin’ with Congress HQ, and not just because my recent Eat Like a President series was covered on Daily Mail. Actually, HQ has moved (we moved to a new house), which is why this post is more than 10 days later than I intended. But let me assure you, it is worth it. The wait is worth it…for grape salad.

Sure, not the most exciting title, but if you’re a long-time reader, you know a salad is never a salad here — it’s a downward spiral into the culinary unknown. Or it’s mayonnaise.

Chef William Souder

Democratic Mayor from Texas

Favorite Food/Homespun Recipe: Homespun Recipe


being his town’s first postmaster EVER; becoming mayor of a town his great-grandfather founded

As always, I followed the recipe word for word, no alterations:


1.5 lbs seedless grapes

6 bananas (sliced)

1 pound cheddar cheese (cubed)

Miracle Whip


1) Wash and dry grapes.

He was the town’s first postmaster? Is this a real position today? How old was the town??

2) Add sliced bananas and cheese. Toss together with Miracle Whip (to your taste).

To your taste — what a phrase. Since I don’t taste until the end, I had to estimate how much Miracle Whip to use. Based on my knowledge of Texas salads, a little less than a cup is what I chose.

3) Chill before serving.

Grape salad recipe

Voila! If you want to actually watch me attempt to eat it, go to the Cookin’ with Congress Instagram or TikTok and now, YouTube Shorts. Sometimes, a photo just tells you exactly what you’re looking at — it’s grapes, it’s bananas, it’s cheese cubes, it’s Miracle Whip. Not gussied up, not made to look beautiful, not hiding anything. Plain and simple; a vegetarian charcuterie board married a fruit salad.



You’re not going to like this, but I liked this. Did I want to devour a full serving? No. But it intrigued me, and the Mayor’s note about it going well with fried chicken seems spot on. Strangely okay.

Grape salad recipe
Representative Eldon Rudd's "Tea Time Strawberries"

Representative Eldon Rudd's "Tea Time Strawberries"

Governor Dan Walker's "Cranberry Nut Mold"

Governor Dan Walker's "Cranberry Nut Mold"