My fellow Americans:

Salute these real recipes from real congresspeople, recreated with love and fear by me.

Do not try these at home.

President Warren G. Harding's "Banana Cocktail"

President Warren G. Harding's "Banana Cocktail"

For many years, Warren G. Harding was considered the worst president of all time. A popular president during his administration, Harding died in office and then his standing plummeted as more and more scandals surfaced. Cronyism, corruption, infidelities — they all caused a precipitous fall for Warren G. Recently, some historians are giving him a second look, and he’s climbed up the list from “worst” to something closer to “fourth worst” or the like. Good for him! He enjoyed this dessert many times in the White House and I thought I might, too.

warren g harding

Chef Warren G. Harding

Republican President from Ohio

Favorite Food/Homespun Recipe: Favorite Food


being a sexy president; Teapot Dome scandal


“Honestly, I hurt with the insatiate longing, until I feel that there will never be any relief until I take a long, deep, wild draught on your lips and then bury my face on your pillowing breasts.”

As always, I followed the recipe word for word directly from the president whose middle name was fussin’ GAMALIEL, no alterations:


1 banana (Gros Michel preferred)

1 slice melon

several strawberries

1 tbsp brandy

1 tbsp sherry

1 tbsp sugar


1) Cut banana in half lengthwise.

So, Gros Michel (or “Big Mike”) bananas are preferred because that was the most popular banana at the time. Sweet and more similar to artificial banana flavor than the bananas you find today (Cavendish). They also have much thicker skin, and so better hold the shape for a cocktail — sadly, I could not find any that would ship to me, nor were there any at the markets I visited.

2) Carefully remove the meat, saving the skin whole, and dice.

I’ve never said the term “banana meat” before, so this was a new experience. Take it for a spin aloud if you want.

3) Also dice several strawberries and a small piece of melon.

4) Add 1 tablespoon each brandy, sherry, and sugar; mix thoroughly and replace in the two halves of the banana skin. Chill quickly, and serve at once.

Sherry! Making an appearance yet again after leading roles in Wine Jelly and Wine Cake.

Banana cocktail harding

Voila! If you want to actually watch me attempt to eat it, go to the Cookin’ with Congress Instagram or TikTok and sometimes, YouTube Shorts. This photo is a little glam, but that’s what happens when you shoot at the end of a very busy day and are eating banana cocktail at 10:45 at night. It’s not gorgeous, but it’s not ugly either. The fruit is well-distributed and colorful. Feels like maybe kiwi would be a good addition? A Gros Michel is also very much missed, as the skin just didn’t form a firm-enough container.



Warren G Harding banana cocktail recipe

What a nice little summer treat! Not for children unless they want to take a nap.

Representative Erlan Hedrick's "Frozen Salad"

Representative Erlan Hedrick's "Frozen Salad"

Senator Frank Carlson's "Chicken Loaf"

Senator Frank Carlson's "Chicken Loaf"