Cookin' with Congress on NBC Los Angeles!
Super Tuesday didn’t bring a lot of national surprises — Joe Biden and Donald Trump are destined for a 2020 rematch. One delightful surprise amidst overwhelming darkness and apathy was that somehow, some way, a horrifying, green mayonnaise & jello dish graced tens of thousands of television screens across California.
Screenshot of sweet, sweet Anniversary Horseradish Salad on my TV at home. Looks like messed-up Christmas.
Yes, I was on TV for Cookin’ with Congress. I got to come into the KNBC studios in Los Angeles and film a segment with the wonderful Danielle Nottingham. She wisely chose not to eat that Grinchy wasabi bomb of a dish, but she gave Barack Obama’s pie a taste and was overall just lovely.
These terrifying recipes from equally terrifying politicians are making their way across the U.S. one television screen at a time. It warms my heart to see people love-hate them as much as I do.
As always: have a great week, and keep politicians out of our kitchens.