A Busy Election Season

Usually, I’m posting recipes on here, but I decided to do something stupid and challenging the week prior to the Election: eat like Donald Trump for an entire week. You can go watch me do that on Instagram or TikTok, or, if you’d rather not watch one man’s descent into madness while he wears an American flag suit, you can skip that and just read the eventual recap I’ll write for a publication (TBD when it publishes).

I did want to share some good personal news though in what was otherwise a tumultuous few weeks, because my goal with everything I make is to: 1) enjoy the creative process, and 2) make people feel something — usually laughter, sometimes disgust, occasionally inspiration and always joy. Sparking curiosity and bewilderment — it makes me tick.

The good personal news is that Cookin’ with Congress, leading up to the election, was covered by Courthouse News, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Le Figaro (oldest French newspaper) and others, and I even contributed expertise to The Los Angeles Times. I also wrote pieces for Food & Wine and Business Insider on food, politicians and the connection between them. This weird niche creative project of mine now makes up a full 50% of my income. If you told me even ONE year ago that’d be the case, I would throw the meatiest jello straight in your face in disbelief.

But here we are.

Bennett Rea Cookin with Congress

I’m proud. I’m excited. I’m grateful to all of you who read and watch and enjoy what I’m creating.

In short, it was a fun few weeks. Busy. Wild. Devastatingly little sleep (I’m still recovering from drinking 4.23 gallons of Diet Coke in a week). But incredibly fun. Despite the election spelling short-term doom for some causes and people close to my heart, I’m still cookin’ because it’s therapeutic for me and hopefully still entertaining for you all.

I know I’m a few recipes behind on here, but they’ll be up soon so you can stare in disbelief and hopefully, by the grace of all that is good in this world, NOT make them at home.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "Chocolate Chip Cookies"


Governor Tim Walz's "Cookie Salad"