My fellow Americans:

Salute these real recipes from real congresspeople, recreated with love and fear by me.

Do not try these at home.

"Peas and Peanut Salad" by Senator James McClure

"Peas and Peanut Salad" by Senator James McClure

Salad Month (trademarking this very soon, obviously) comes to an end this week, much to everyone’s chagrin. Disappointing, I know, but at least we’ll go out with a bang! And I promise we’ll make every May Salad Month — our household just needs a visual break from such…interesting meals. And this whipped cream & mustard masterpiece is no exception: Senator James McClure’s Peas and Peanut Salad.

Chef James McClure

Republican Senator from Idaho

As always, I followed the recipe word for word from the senator once described as a great pick for Vice President, no alterations:


4 eggs, whipped

2/3 cup vinegar

1/2 cup water

2/3 cup sugar

1/2 tsp salt

3 rounded tsp dry mustard

1 tbsp gelatin

1.5 cups whipping cream

2 packages frozen peas

1 tsp sugar

salt to taste

1/2 cup Spanish peanuts



1) Combine the eggs, vinegar, 1/4 cup water, sugar, salt and mustard.

It may feel like too much mustard when you’re putting it in, but—

2) Whip together and cook in a double boiler until thick.

3) Soak gelatin in remaining water and add to mixture, mixing well. Cool.

4) Add whipped cream to the cooked mixture and pour into a slightly greased 9 inch ring mold. Refrigerate.

One more salad in the old mold for Salad Month. Excellent audio created by the slop of whipped cream falling into mustard eggs FYI.

5) Boil peas, adding sugar and salt, for just two minutes.

6) Drain well and chill.

7) Add peanuts and enough mayonnaise to bind them together.

This ended up being about 3 tbsp of mayonnaise. Also, 2 packages of peas was FAR too much, I ended up with at least four cups extra of peas.

8) Unmold gelatin salad and fill center with the peas and peanuts mixture. Mix 12 to 14 servings.

Voila! If you want to actually watch me attempt to eat it, go to the CwC Instagram or TikTok. Bring over 11-13 of your closest friends for Peas and Peanut Salad. I have to say, it’s oddly beautiful. The peas and peanuts almost look as though they’ve been frosted, like a pine tree in a miniature winter wonderland. The mold came out perfectly smooth and glistening and is delightfully free of flecks and specks unlike other salads. It does have the scent of straight up mustard though.



Complete disaster in my mouth. Could not take more than one bite. 0/10.

"Rocks" by President Chester Arthur

"Rocks" by President Chester Arthur

"Rosy Beet Salad" by Senator Rufus Holman

"Rosy Beet Salad" by Senator Rufus Holman